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What does debounce do?

It debounces the function 😀👍

* Debounce in TypeScript
* @param func {Function} Function to be debounced
* @param delay {number} Number of milliseconds to delay
* @returns A new function that wraps the given function

function debounce(func: Function, delay: number) {
let timer = null;

return function() {
const context = this;
const args = arguments;


timer = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(context, args);
}, delay)

How does it work?

  1. function debounce(func: Function, delay: number): This line declares a function named debounce that takes in two parameters func and delay and returns a Function.

  2. let timer = null: This line declares a variable named timer that is assigned the value null.

  3. return function(): This line returns an anonymous function.

  4. const context = this: This line declares a constant named context that is assigned the value of this.

  5. const args = arguments: This line declares a constant named args that is assigned the value of arguments.

  6. clearTimeout(timer): This line calls the clearTimeout() function and passes in the timer as a parameter.

  7. timer = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(context, args) }, delay): This line assigns the value of the setTimeout() function to timer and passes in an anonymous function that calls the func function and passes in the context and args as parameters and the delay as a parameter.

Overall, the debounce function takes in a function and a delay as arguments and returns a debounced version of that function. A debounced function is a function that can only be called once every delay milliseconds.