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What does throttle do?

It throttles the function 😀👍

* Throttle in TypeScript
* @param func Function to be throttled
* @param delay Number of milliseconds to delay
* @returns A new function that wraps the given function

const throttle: (func: Function, delay: number) => Function = (func, delay) => {
let isThrottled: boolean;

return function() {
const context = this;
const args = arguments;

if (!isThrottled) {
func.apply(context, args);
isThrottled = true;

setTimeout(() => {
isThrottled = false
}, delay);

How does it work?

  1. const throttle: (func: Function, delay: number) => Function = (func, delay): This line declares a constant named throttle that is assigned an anonymous function that takes in two parameters func and delay and returns a Function.

  2. let isThrottled: boolean: This line declares a variable named isThrottled that is assigned a value of type boolean.

  3. return function(): This line returns an anonymous function.

  4. const context = this: This line declares a constant named context that is assigned the value of this.

  5. const args = arguments: This line declares a constant named args that is assigned the value of arguments.

  6. if (!isThrottled): This line checks if isThrottled is false.

  7. func.apply(context, args): This line calls the func function and passes in the context and args as parameters.

  8. isThrottled = true: This line assigns the value true to isThrottled.

  9. setTimeout(() => { isThrottled = false }, delay): This line calls the setTimeout() function and passes in an anonymous function that assigns the value false to isThrottled and the delay as parameters.

Overall, the throttle function takes in a function and a delay as arguments and returns a throttled version of that function. A throttled function is a function that can only be called once every delay milliseconds.